Dedicating time and headspace to planning can set you up for a health care approach that’s preventive rather than reactive, and that can offer peace of mind.

Do you have a health care notebook?

Being organized is the key to preparation during stressful times, so keep a journal or even use an app such as GoogleKeep on your smartphone.

  • Notes during doctor appointments
  • Questions for your provider
  • Plan of action between visits
  • List of medications, dosages, and regimen
  • Results of recent blood work, blood pressure, and other tests
  • Dates of vaccinations, ongoing treatments, and surgeries

Do you know the lingo?

Knowing the basic medical verbiage can help you with better decision-making when you’re under pressure.

  • Premium: The amount you pay for your health insurance every month
  • Deductible: The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan kicks in
  • Co-payment: A fixed amount you pay for a covered medical service
  • Coinsurance: The portion of the cost of a covered health care service you pay after you’ve paid your deductible
  • Out-of-pocket maximum: The most you pay for covered services in a plan year

Do you have tools to help with Medicare?

Make it a habit to review your plan during each open enrollment period. Things change in life and coverage, and you don’t want to be caught unaware.

  • What’s Covered app– You can look up whether Medicare covers a service
  • Procedure Price Lookup– Discover if it’s cheaper to have a procedure done at a hospital outpatient department or an ambulatory surgical center
  • Plan Finder– Compare plans based on location and review extra benefits and pricing

If you feel like you need help organizing your health care, your financial professional can help. Plus, a quick call this month might bring to light any portfolio management oversights.