Article originally published by

Written by Lorie Konish

“If you plan properly, you may be able to boost your Social Security retirement benefits.

And newly redesigned benefit statements from the Social Security Administration may help you do exactly that.

That goes for workers of all ages who contribute to the program — from 18 to 70 and up.

The statements can be accessed online by creating a My Social Security account. People ages 60 and up who do not currently receive benefits and who have not signed up for an online account should receive their statements in the mail three months before their birthday.

With the redesigned layout, the Social Security Administration aims to make it easier for workers to find information at a glance and simplify its complex programs. Those statements are also now accompanied by fact sheets tailored to specific age cohorts.

The agency recommends that workers of all ages check their statements annually for accuracy.

Those records also hold clues for how to get the most out of your benefits, experts say. Plus, there’s additional information that’s not included in those statements that you should seek out.”

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